On this page you can try out some examples in which you can produce digital signatures yourself, with the personal data in your IRMA app. After pressing the buttons below, a signing request appears in your IRMA app. When you read this page on your phone, the switch to the IRMA app is made automatically. When you read this page on another device, you should first scan the the QR code that appears, using the IRMA app on your phone.
None of these example leads to actual obligations. You can safely perform these signing acts. The example text that you sign does not commit you and the resulting signature is not stored.
In order to be able to try out these examples you must have collected the relevant personal data in your IRMA app. This can be done via the IRMA issuance page.
Here you are asked to give GDPR-style consent so that advertisements can be sent to you. The personal data with which you sign this consent message is the email address at which you agree to receive the advertisements. No further data of yours are disclosed via this signature. In principle, more of your personal data could be included (like your gender, date of birth, etc) so that advertisements are more targeted.
Giving permission via a digital signature is the perfect way to register consent under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This consent in the form of a digital signature can be transferred to other (partner)companies, giving them certainty, because they can check the signature themselves. Also, these signatures can be shown to the GDPR-regulator, upon request, in order to demonstrate that consent has actually been given by the owner of the email address.
Now you are asked to sign that you will contribute financially to the foundation (not really). You sign with your family name and with your mobile phone number.
Here you are asked to sign as teacher that a certain student has passed your exam. You sign with three personal data items from SURFconext, viz. your name, the (educational) institution where you work, and your email address at that institution.
Attribute-based digital signatures offer many new possibilities: a police officer, for instance, can sign a report with his/her name and police-registration number; in this way the integrity and authenticity of this report is guaranteed in the whole criminal justice chain. Also, a medical doctor can sign a medical statement with his/her own medical credentials, so that everyone can verify that this statement is actually signed by a medical doctor (and also by whom). Within organisations all kinds of decisions can be registered reliably and verifiably with digital signatures. IRMA is the only identity platform that seamlessly combines both authentication and signing.
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