Official diploma data in The Netherlands are available online via DUO. When you login there via DigiD, you can download pdf documents describing your diplomas, including school and study. This is available online from a certain year onwards (e.g. 1995), depending on school and study.
These pdf documents are digitally signed by DUO in a professional manner. This guarantees that they are genuine (authentic and non-modified).
In order to load your diploma data as IRMA attributes, you first have to collect these pdf documents from DUO. After logging on at DUO you can select and download your diplomas, typically with name: Uittreksel_diplomaregister.pdf
On the diploma issuance page of the Privacy by Design foundation you can upload such a diploma document. The foundation checks the digital signature of DUO.
In order to get this diploma into your IRMA app, two more steps are needed.
You need to prove that you are the person mentioned in the diploma document. You prove this by disclosing via IRMA your name, date of birth and gender. This requires that these data are already in your IRMA app (via BRP or iDIN).
Next, you can add the diploma data as attributes in the IRMA app on your mobile phone. This step requires a few seconds, after pushing the relevant (third) button, because the diploma data need to be extracted from the pdf document.
The Privacy by Design foundation removes the pdf file that you uploaded and all diploma data from its systems after issuance. The foundation does not keep a record of such issuances.
The whole procedure is complicated and fragile. Hopefully, the procedure will become simpler and more robust in the future when DUO decides to issue diploma data as IRMA attributed directly – without an intermediate role of the Privacy by Design foundation.
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