Demo Official of a legal entity
This is a testing credential. The issuer's IRMA private key is public, so anyone can issue this credential. Use it for testing and demo purposes only.
- Credential identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official
- Description
- The personal information of an official of a legal entity
- Singleton?
- No. Multiple instances of this credential will be accepted by the IRMA app.
- Revocation?
- No. Instances of this credential cannot be revoked by the issuer.
- XML source
This credential contains the following attributes:
Legal entity
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.legalEntity
- Description
- Legal entity of the owner of the organisation
Full name
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.fullname
- Description
- Full name of the official
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.position
- Description
- Position of the official
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.authority
- Description
- Authority
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.officeAddress
- Description
- Address of the organisation
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.officePhone
- Description
- Phone of the organisation
KVK Number
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.kvkNumber
- Description
- Het KVK number of the organisation
SBI code
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.sbiCode
- Description
- SBI code
Reference moment (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.referenceMoment
- Description
- The reference moment is the moment the data is extracted from the trade register
RSIN number (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.rsin
- Description
- Legal Entity or Partnership Identification Number
Name (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.name
- Description
- The name of the organisation
Type of owner (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.typeOwner
- Description
- The type of owner of the organisation
Email address (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.emailAddress
- Description
- Email address of the organisation
SBI Activiteit (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.sbiActivity
- Description
- The coding of the activity in accordance with the SBI 2008 structure
Start date of registration (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.registrationStart
- Description
- The start date of the organization's registration
Date of deregistration (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.dateDeregistration
- Description
- The date of deregistration of the owner of the organization
End date of registration (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.registrationEnd
- Description
- The end date of the organization's registration
Special legal situation (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.specialLegalSituation
- Description
- The special legal situation of the owner of the organisation, eg: Bankruptcy, debt restructuring or suspension of payment
Restriction in legal action (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.restrictionInLegalAction
- Description
- The restriction in legal action of the owner of the organisation, eg: Provisional rule, placed under guardianship of placed under administration
Foreign legal status (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.foreignLegalStatus
- Description
- A court decision by a foreign court
Last name (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.lastName
- Description
- Last name of the official
Prefix (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.prefix
- Description
- Prefix of the official
First names (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.firstNames
- Description
- First names of the official
Date of birth (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.datOfBirth
- Description
- Date of birth of the official
Date of death (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.dateOfDeath
- Description
- Date of death of the official
Type of official (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.typeOfficial
- Description
- Type of official
Job title (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.jobTitle
- Description
- The job title of the official
Kind of authorization (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.kindOfAuthorization
- Description
- Kind of authorization
Restriction of an authorization in euros (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.restrictionInEurosAuthorization
- Description
- The authorization of the liable party is limited to the stated amount
Other restrictions of an authorization (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.otherRestrictionAuthorization
- Description
- Indication of whether any other limitation applies to the person liable
Is authorized with other persons (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.isAuthorizedWith
- Description
- Indication indicating that there is joint authority with other persons (Yes) or with the other directors (No)
Type of power of attorney (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.typePowerOfAttorney
- Description
- Type of power of attorney
Restriction in money of a power of attorney (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.restrictioninMoneyPowerOfAttorney
- Description
- If the authorized representative is authorized up to a certain amount
Restriction on act of power of attorney (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.restrictionOnActPowerOfAttorney
- Description
- If the authorized person has a structured restriction of type of act
Has other power of attorney (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.hasOtherPowerOfAttorney
- Description
- Indication indicating that the authorized person has a power of attorney that cannot be included in a structured way as a type of act
Description other power of attorney (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.descriptionOtherPowerOfAttorney
- Description
- The content of the restriction not to be included in a structured way in the power of attorney
Permission to file changes to the trade register (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.permissionToChangeTradeRegister
- Description
- If the authorized representative has the permission to file changes to the trade register
Special legal situation of the official (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.specialLegalSituationOfficial
- Description
- The special legal situation of the official, eg: Bankruptcy, debt restructuring or suspension of payment
Restriction in legal action of the official (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.restrictionInLegalActionOfficial
- Description
- The restriction in legal action of the official, zoals: Provisional rule, placed under guardianship of placed under administration
Start date of suspension (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.suspensionStart
- Description
- Indicates when the official's suspension started
End date of suspension (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.suspensionEnd
- Description
- Indicates when the official's suspension has ended
Emancipation of a minor (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.emancipationOfMinor
- Description
- Emancipation of a minor
Has restrictions (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.hasRestriction
- Description
- Indication of whether there is some kind of restriction that affects the determination of an authorization (true, false)
Is authorized (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.isAuthorized
- Description
- Indication of whether someone is authorized
Reason for established authorization (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.reason
- Description
- The reason for (not) being authorized or not being able to determine someone's authorization
Trade names (optional)
- Identifier
- irma-demo.kvk.official.tradeNames
- Description
- The trade names under which the company trades
Issue attributes
With this form, you can issue demo attributes of this credential for testing and demonstration purposes. (Note that only demo attributes can be issued this way.)